I love working with businesses to up their social media game, and when I first work with others, I review the 6 notes below to remember NOT to do. Hope these quick social media tips help you or a friend's business!
1. Using photos that aren't yours without permission. **Always** credit creators AND ask for permission if using a photo on your feed that is not yours. You don’t need to ask for permission if sharing a story.
2. Posting images that aren't sized correctly. Ensure your photos are optimized for social! Pro-tip:
Sprout Social
has a running blog of the latest image sizes for social media. DM me for their link!
3. Posting for the heck of it. Don't overshare or post "just to post." Just because it's National Hot Dog Day, don't think you need to jump all over that awareness day. Refer to your content pillars to identify if awareness days or viral moments will benefit your brand
4. Posting dull content. When posting, post within your brand's tone of voice, ask questions, respond to questions & use emojis -- be as personal and informative as possible
5. Not engaging with your community. Respond to your comments, DMs and community thoughtfully and quickly! Provide your email, give other quick tips you have or ask follow-up questions
6. Feed lacks branding: Keep colors, branding, look and feel on brand with your overall branding on social
If you're finding yourself making these "mistakes" -- don't panic! There really is NO right or wrong (except you should really never use someone else's image without permission), but correcting these 6 things will definitely help you. Email me at jillian@sobeckstudio.com for more details on how I can move your strategy forward!
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